We Have A Number Of Chances To See Some Meteors This Week

If the sky clears tonight we could end up with a nice meteor shower and we are in a "Fair" viewing area according to the map. In Europe last year the Draconid meteor shower produced an "outburst" of 140 meteors an hour. We should be so lucky but it is possible and the showers will peak tonight and tomorrow night. Typically we can expect maybe 10 meteors an hour tonight and tomorrow night. Then there is the Southern Taurid meteor shower October 9th and 10th. Again expecting maybe 10 an hour but these bad boys can produce massive fireballs that may even throw shadows on the earth. The beauty of these 2 showers is they can begin when it gets dark up until the next morning. If we miss these we do have another shower expected October 21st and 22nd. So keep an eye on the sky. You'll find the whole story from the AccuWeather Astronomy Blogger at this link.

Tonight and Tomorrow Night's Shower Viewing Area Is Only Fair

The Southern Taurid Shower Viewing Area Might Be A Little Better For Us

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