The Holiday Star Is Shinning Again Over Front Royal

I mentioned on the air last week that I miss the star over Front Royal during the holidays. Shortly after that I got a call from Andi Robinson representative of the future owner. She told me it would be shining again. After the passing of the original owner and creator of the star Randy Rossi the star remained dark. Well the new owners of the property said they would keep the tradition alive. Nathan Patterson is the new owner of the property and star as of Friday and the first thing he did was relight the star. Nathan says it was a no brainer and he wants to keep the tradition alive. Nathan is a second generation owner of Royal Auto Workers and says his company will pay for the electricity as well as up keep of the star. We are thankful and grateful that Mr. Patterson feels that strongly about this community tradition after all it has been burning for fifty plus years. Confirmation and more of the star and it's story comes from The Northern Virginia Daily by clicking here.      

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